Elevator Music

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. I was confused too at first. But after replaying the video again and again, I was certain that it was indeed her ass. Hard to prove though. One needs a keen observation on this matter?
  2. Clap a long if you feel like that's what you got to do
  3. Man forget you then ?
  4.  forget youuuu oh oh oooh
  5. Agreed  just popped into my head
  6. Taylor Swift 
  7. I'd scream for 8hrs straight 
  8. T-Swizzle, all day errryday.
  9. taylor swift ~safe and sound
  10. If its Taylor I want the pop not the wannabe country

    Sorry pharrel, he said only one song
  11. Taylor Swift. I actually like her and I've hated Happy since the first time I heard it.?
  12. I would make up a #1 hit in the elevator ?