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Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. why was Meggy asked to leave?
  2. Cause, got a problem 
  3. Pie  7 
  4. I'm allowed to come back sorry...
    I have no broken the ToU, RoC Or FCoC. 

    Anyways 8
  5. 10 cuz yolo
  6. Meggy, leave my thread
    last warning I'll gladly report you

  7. 10

    Lock All Old Threads
  8. Bad idea ? im against it
  9. 10

    Leo ? maybe we should pull up the part of the RoC/ToU that counters your point, which pretty much makes you look like a jerk.
  10. Dan ? 10 

    This was on the second page 
    I don't always bump dan, sometimes I forget about this and it's back up ?