PM VS PE (the big secret)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by D-1-T-C-H, Jun 2, 2014.

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  1. ?me n sommy could take u  esp if it involves pickles 
  2. Lykonnn would feed me too Sommy Som Som? ?
  3. I will take you all. ??


    To my bed. 


    To be fat asses. ??????
  4. I had no clue what on earth that was about but gold star for effort and creativeness
  5.  Ditch
  6. take me with you missy
  7. Ditch dropped stats?  and I see I was unfollowed so I. Assuming he unfollowed more people
  8. I request a lock

    Before I finally reset, let me give you a few reasons that I'm done with pimd and the drama.

    I'm sick of DRAMA! The he said, she said, crap! I'm sick of high school politics! I don't care any more. I'm sick of Internet tough guys/gals... You don't impress me. I'm sick of checking my phone EVERY DAY!

    So, I unfollowed a butt load of ppl. I gave my good-byes to a few...the others, in the words of a retired correctional officer and my friend. Up in ya. ️
  9. I also hear that you were spreading rumors about RS? 
  10. And hate to inform you ditch but Epi is not a playmate spy or a Betty decker alt 
  11. Ditch I think you're cool good luck irl?
  12. 
  13. Ditch i wish you all the best.locking️
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