PM VS PE (the big secret)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by D-1-T-C-H, Jun 2, 2014.

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  1. Rehab isn't involved 
  2. I know my input is of little relevance, but this pic is awaesomesauce!!!
  3. Damn of all the people on this thread you're calling me out.. Typical PE pick one of the smaller ones  it's cool PE can hit me all they want Jeff and others have been doing it all night .. Am I supposed to care?? thought you were out tho? Be gone?
  4. You're not dts, you're straight dtw but go ahead and keep picking on the small members since they are the only ones you can get through on.
  5. Jeff loves me! He really loves me!
    Funny how the ones who hit the most don't get hit.. Is it because you might actually fail on them? Don't want them kicking you in the tighty whitey covered ass?
  6. Nigga down?
  7. So true so true.
  8.  haven't been hit in two days....
  9. then you've been sp
  10. That's why you're dtw? You sp now too? Can't handle it,
  11.  and I thought rehab wasn't part of this? 
  12. And that's why you're Dtw again  go Austin! 
  13. We are playmates just helping others out. Its not about rehab at all. Rehab has no part in this.
  14. [​IMG]

     lolololol
  15. Nope, wasn't sp. was watching tv.  I'll check back sometime tomorrow.

    Sorry, if you thought I cared. 
  16. I repeat.. Nigga down? 
  17. Hey you know what's more important than TERROR, PM, and PE combined?

    - cancer
    - world hunger
    - endangered species
    - European women armpit hair
    - abused animals
    - abused children
    - your dad's pinky toenail infection.
    - literally everything else.
  18. ?this is pimd not the world news
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