To those men saying you could refuse to have sex and stop the human race... really? Sex is pleasure, giving birth is agony. Your arguement is invalid. Besides with technology these days. We woman don't need you, in any way :lol:
Kidney stones would be a fair comparison and mean have a period every month just comes in the form of mood swings and getting hit in the balls still hurts more than anything you listed.
Gender inequality will always exist . Sad to say but it won't be eliminated unless many other traditions and beliefs are eliminated. Here in the United States we are getting better with equality. But as my very liberal " Latino/Latina Experience" class this semester stated... There are actual reasons why women don't have full equality. Only ones I may agree with May be with pay. Reason I say this is the whole maternal leave and such. I left out detail to support this but... In all other aspects I can look at women should have equality on most if not all areas as men.
Protection is a choice. Anyway to the person who said in some cultures men get the forskin cut off. I cannot recall the correct term for that procedure but there is a purpose to it, for health benifits. However it would be painful Men are not the only ones who get this, females have a similiar thing were there area is stitched up, this is very dangerous and have a shit load of health risks. The purpuse of this is so the woman cannot have sex before touse that as a defence, is invalid :lol:
periods arent as 'painful' as your saying… infact im pretty sure some women put it on. men may suffer from aches/ pains etc, they just dont air it like some women.. Bit of a silly thread to make a dig at men. We are all equal. Just saying
The odds of getting attacked by a shark are 1 in 3,748,067 while a woman's odds of being raped are 1 in 6 Not all men listen when a woman says no and yet people still want her to carry and give birth to that baby. Yes, all men and women are treated equal...
Like Xerneas said, mine isn't that dramatic either. infact.. it isn't that bad. but anyways, I've seen this subject always come up and then go away for a while, and then pop up again. well yes women go through the monthly thing, but men go through stuff as well. like as some of them stated, being kicked in the balls ? but I just wanna say.. that, I think men and women are equal
For all those people saying men need to fertilise the egg we all know how much of a challenge that is
Actually they learned how to take the genetic material from an egg and make it into sperm. So don't say it stems from guys it can also be females.
In what world is it fair that women can beat the crap out of men but men have to stand and take it? A old woman grabbing up a young man is a "joke" that got out of hand or is called being a "cougar" but if the rules are reversed its either sexual assault or paedophilia. Women go through more pain but socially men have it harder.