visit a psycologist and get her checked it happens at times... Hows her school life is she open with other people and is she jolly or quite.. Maybe she's scared of sumthing..
Hey! Get her checked when she DONT want mamas milk anymore! That's when you should worry!................. And call me
Thats pretty darn long. I stopped bedore I was one! Anyway how old are u that u have a kid. U lesbian or bi
I'm a guy and have never breast fed, but i'm preaty sure 2 years old is already too long, it once the baby fully develops teeth breast feeding should have already been stopped, so I think u might be idiotic for breast feeding a fucking 12 year old you thot
In some cultures they breast feed until the age of 6. I however feel that if your child can verbalize that they are hungry they are too old to be breast fed.