HypnoCat in Wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ka-Ka-KarotCake, May 27, 2014.

  1. I didnt care to read but im bumping just cuz
  2. I read that whole thing. ,_, #NoLyfe
  3. i get it!

    last man standing u mean.

    A group of people in a club is made to fight eachother till 1 man wins.

    Those with OMG tbs will always win :cry:
  4. S
  5. Op doesn't use any periods. He uses the word BUT 
  6. Amazing idea  im impressed of how impossible it is 
    Support ?
  7. I almost read all of it 
  8. Summerize it, then explain.
  9. I've tried reading it and with no paragraphs, it's exhausting.
  10. So basically this last person gets cats and honour student??
  11. Lmfao thats exactly what I thought when i saw this Alan xD
  12. Can I have an ice cream?
  13. I thinks there's like a total of 5 periods in there.. haha