Wtf Ata!?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iFarmNoobsWithMyGloriousPower, May 25, 2014.

  1. I wasted two cats on this party and it doesn't work -.-

  2. Maybe they got tired of you talking about it?

  4. 
  5. Maybe bc it takes stats to drop it dumb ass
  6. maybe you're too weak to use it? (I didn't look at your stats so idk if my argument is valid or not)
  7. He probably just used a different pot instead of a cat and that's the message that appears. :lol:

    Trust me, I've done it before .-.
  8. yeah, you have no stats whatsoever. How do you expect to hit a party?
  9. 
  10. stop making threads this is the fourth thread of yours I've seen that you've posted today
  11. ?
  12. Calm down offroad your name isnt green

  13. It's dumbasses like this with their dumbass moves that me have to come back to this game
  14. Lol what⇧
  15. Dammit, i read title as WTF ANAL #PervFoLife.