Ppl did that way before cc! If y'all want them to learn the game teach them don't blame it in one party!
Lol I love how most of u don't know cable or his gf to say anything about them. Both r really nice people. And will fight win lose or draw. People are calling him a bully, but those same people have threads where they have been called bullies. If u choose to start crap with someone bigger (lcbc) should that person let u slide bcuz u are smaller. Lol not a chance. I remember when lykon tweak kyle and raven (before lcbc) would get into any war they could. Stats don't matter if u can hit them. Win or lose people know u are willing to fight. Cable u r a great person and I'm glad to call u my friend.
Im not talking about just this situation. Cable has been a jerk for as long as I can remember, he then expects to come to forums and get cheered on for successfully farming someone smaller then him. I never said he shouldn't farm him I said Id like to see him for once take on someone his size and who knows how to fight.
after farming lower members of my club I played with ya''''' til you asked for a cf.. We are cf..that wasn't enough attention for ya? Why this post?