dollqueen avatar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -StrawberryKisses-2, May 19, 2014.

  1. What has snort got todo with The avatar? :lol: It was ainme, dacs would have changed it to suit pimd. The violin was pizza shapped. What has roller blades ot high socks and short shorts got to do with pizza? :lol: Yes SaM was behind Sols violin Entry, but that is not why i dislike this entry :lol: I preferred Sol's yes, but there was a couple others i liked too. Just not this one.
  2. what does skates have to do with it? skates & kitty helmet with a stack of pizza's she's a pizza delivery girl THAT'S what it has to do with it clearly....this ava included both kitty & pizza it deserves to win looks nothing like the sleazy girl ava.... valentines day girl ava was dressed conservatively had brown hair least this ava looks like she eats
  3. pizza people don't wear skates in rl, thats just silly. I like the drawing skills, just not this desighn. I would prefer non sleazy, but sleazy it is.
  4. people don't play pizza violin's irl either lol
  5. More likely than rollerskating to deliver pizza with a dead cat on their heads.
  6. The violin had a pizza design, rollerblades have nothing todo with pizza. I was just having a bash in reply to camdies bash lol
  7. ?why disrespect dollqueen avatar??It was cute n i love it im glad it wonWhy bash on this thread?
  8. Well, the Roller Skate Girl Won.
    I think the fashion is like 70's or 80's where Rollerskates are trendy
  9. yes but this is 2014 just so you know. Lol
  10. Congrats doll queen, I'll be proud to use this Avi, it's the one I voted for.
  11. there's actually indoor restaurants out there that have waitresses or waiters on skates

    goes to show this ava was worth the win congrats dollqueen your ava is amazing great effort!
  12. That is agains health and safety regulations.
  13. obviously not have a search on the net you'll see they're out there
  14. Ass is obvi upset. Chill dude.

    Congrats Doll, can't wait to use it. :)
  15. Whoops, i mean renamed :lol:
  16. Lmao, i don't mind the skates. I only picked them out because candy mentioned how certain features of my fav avatar were unrelated. I only did not like the lady parts sticking out of the shorts, the short shorts and the short t-shirt vecayse there is already a lot of females avatars that look like that. And in rl females do not all look like hoes. The skates were not a bad idea, just not related to pizza, where i come from at least.
  17. i dont think she looks like a hoe?Shes pretty?Congrats again dollqueen?About time a avatar from hunt i will use?
  18. Love this avatar! Congrats Dollqueen , you deserves to win 
  19. Deserved* oh my  why must autocorrect do that to me