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@Pimd think should at least increase pluder for t6lvl 2 barely increased at all and at 52b for like no plunder noty
I agree with southern. After seeing much negative feedback from friends about the crap plunder difference (e.g plunder decreased by atleast 5mil (on cc) after upgrading 4 of them, another did not increase at all after upgrading 10+ and another only rose 10mil (tested on cc aswell) after upgrading 28 t6. I do.not fancy spending almost 1.9t to re bc for nothing. So until improvements are made, i shall stay at level 1. Ps thanks for my fancy name change. - Kiss my scottish ass
Thats so true all the money i spent to re bc my plunder is still pretty much the same in pro parties?
People have been whining and whining about t6l2. And now that it's out people whine again. #hatersgonnahate #poorpimd #whinecbc