New Beta Wars

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Raviaj, May 18, 2014.

  1. I would just join a war, but then I would not have enough to keep my tutors that are doing cat all the time.
  2. Why pay for every war? There would still be normal wars. I keep coming back to the similarity with cat parties. No one says you have to pay every party, you can do normal parties. No one say you have to pay every war, you can do normal wars. I am just saying if there is a cat party there should be a similar war. So it's not all about parties all the time.
  3. Others still do it. And if you can't take care of actives then let someone else do so. But beta is only 2hrs long nor does it happen all the time.
  4. No you came up with this idea just bcuz of money and what best suits you. Fact is you spliting up wars like that should not be done.

    And why do you keep skipping about the inactives in war bcuz the drops you want after war? Example of why that is bad just look at the easter hunt thats a prime example of what will happen for wars
  5. In-actives in war get nothing, just like in-actives in cat get nothing. I don't see why that is a big concern.
  6. Bcuz inactives still get something. And fyi inactives still hurt wars think of it like 14vs25 bcuz i for one have seen numbers like that. In a matched beta war which it feels pointless to war then bcuz you have your free loaders. Now you are giving them more of a reason to join. Or the ones that even hit a few times in war then go inactive so ppl don't flip out on them. You make to much of a high prize you will get a flood of ppl that don't care about that war.
  8. There are last bar hitters in parties too. Drops for inactives is an issues in the current beta wars, not in the war I am proposing. Why dismiss the idea for current flaws. Inactives do not get any plunder either.
  9. About the issue of 14 vs 25. You win some you lose some. It's random and the laws of probability suggests it will even out in the long run.
  10. Who's to stop it if ppl only hit a few times and walk away? And being active in a party vs a war is very dif. If you don't think so then you are very wrong.
  11. No that comes from the simple fact that the reward was to high and ppl joined war even knowing they will be inactive. Why not join if you can get free items while you sleep. So say you unload a little then gone all war. Still get that award right?
  12. If people are inactive it's the 14 vs 25 issue. I addressed that already  didn't I? Unless you have the objection of then getting drops and plunder. For that it's like getting few hits in parties. They get plunder that is proportional to hits and for drops- based on that particular promo they get just as many drops as everyone (candy promo) or it is again proportional to their hits. Just think to what happens to people that get a few hits in cat party and are either inactive or are doing LBH.
  13. Terrible idea
  14. By the way cats are dropped free in parties very few spend money to buy cats, so to make it " fair " or " right " like you say ec would have to drop from parties which will lessen ata's profit