Over my two years of pimd gameplay and having numerous different pupils, I thought I'd make a top 10 list and give reasons why they are in my top 10. 10. Mr. Juubi Mr. Juubi is a very well known player amongst the pimd community. So when he hired me a few months ago, I couldn't help but think how cool it was to have him as a pupil. The tutor chat was alright but that didn't stop me from getting hired away. 9. Cecihogroupie I don't exactly know what her current name is, but during the time she was my pupil, she was pretty cool. I enjoyed our TC chats but sometimes it'd be a little offensives, thus why she is not my pupil anymore. Still, I appreciate what you've done for me. 8. Wandering-Niki Once again, I don't know their current username, but she has been an awesome pupil, volleying with me after I got the 20bil bonus. Also, thanks to her, I have my favorite item, the inflatable turtle. I kinda miss her as my pupil, but oh well, I have a pretty good pupil now. 7. Queeny From Immortals, Lidya has been my pupil for a short time, but I loved how active the TC was. We would talk about many things and I would piss her off with my random singing. But we've had our share of fun and that's something I won't forget. Thanks Lidya! 6. Medrock Currently known as med with all sorts of hyphens and underscores, she can be found on my wall trying to rob me. But a fellow farmer and battle-lister, she has been a fantastic pupil! Always giving me strip farm funds against noobs, she's always been dependable when it comes to strip farm wars. I can't exactly say enough to tell you how awesome she is. 5. PrettyPleaseWithACherryOnTop A dear cherished friend, Cherry/Jo has been a fantastic pupil. Whether or not she is my pupil or not, she is there for me whenever I need to talk to her. Except for that one time I really needed her. But I adore her nonetheless. Thanks for being my pupil, Cherry! 4. Passion My current pupil. It was really hard where to place you in here cause tutor chat is really awesome. You're active and willing to help me (not really) and that's all I could ask for. The least I can really do for you is upgrade. Thanks Passion. 3. -_A_-Justin A best friend that I could ask for. Hired me after I reset, vollied me to reasonable noob stats and put up with all my shit. You were active in TC and that was magnificent. If you were any awesomer, I don't know what'd I'd do. Probably reset again. Lol. 2. Just_A_Face_In_The_Crowd Before Jon became a mod, he was my pupil who would help with questions. And answered much of my questions, he did. A fantastic person in general, so if you're a tutor of his, you better be thankful. Currently a mod who helps the community, I think he deserves an appreciated post. Thanks Jon! 1. Fleur-de-Saison My most favorite pupil of all time. Did not care what I did and would participate in wars with me if I asked. Her TC was active even though we are separate timezones, but did not stop us contacting each other. Didn't care that I reset on her, but she's awesome nonetheless. All I have to say is OSSUM ARMY Honorable Mentions Zeppy SpitFire Deadly Silent More people I can't remember Anyways, that's my top 10 pupils that are appreciated. It wasn't easy to figure out who could be in the top 10 since many were eligible, but I figured it out. If there's any pupils out there that you appreciate, don't hesitate to write it here. ViCE
I've only had 3 actual pupils. I don't know their specific username so I'll just put what I think. Shoutout to: -AC-Blockey- He was my first pupil, and had to deal with me asking a lot of questions. ,_, Which sucked for him, but he was really helpful when I first started. -TDL-Eggrolls I'm very grateful to him because without him I would probably still be at 8 KCS. :lol: He was my pupil for a long time, but unfortunately he went inactive one me.? -SaM-PapiRoxYoSox- Dan is my current pupil; he hired me after eggy had went inactive.? He pretty much knows the answer to every PimD related topic, excluding forums. He's the owner of SaM, which is a pretty sweg club. And overall...HES A BIG NOOB. Luv you Dan.<33 That will be all.
Oh also, Dan has to deal with the worst tutor, aka moi.? Which sucks for him. I'm probably the worst tutor because I don't know shit about the "correct" way to upgrade. Before, I also used to go inactive on him at random times. :lol:
Out of all my pupils that Ive had on my main and alt accounts I have two favorites. --Supra-- and _-Mrs_Syndicate-_. They have been there for me no matter what I needed and did everything in their power to help me as well as protect me from pimd bullies. Ive never asked them for help until recently when upgrades became harder. Becuz of them Im nearing my dorm to be filled with t6 dormmates. Two others that Id like to give honorable mention to are CHERREKALICIOUS and DANCING N LINGERIE. They might not have been my pupils but they have always been there when I needed to talk or needed advice. Its people like these few that make PIMD such a great game. I love you all!!!
Wyatt my all time favorite tutor.. And a very close. Know you so long... Once upon a time you were bigger then me. Used to look up you back in SBO
My wonderful pupils.... -PMW-iSeanAmDorysSnugglyWuggly ; My first pupil on this account from 0-400kcs. I appreciate the fact that you put up with my ass & you still do even though I sold myself to Pun. Welp no comment. Anyways, you are a stubborn ass but its ok I love you. & I AM HAPPY THAT I OWN YOU NOW. Mr&Mrs. Gemini ; You guys were amazing & I still think that even though we have had our ups & downs. You guys helped me & were there for me when needed so in return if anyone hits you or the club just know Id be right there to help hit back. You never cared when I farmed people, hit off bl, ect. Shelby you even let me farm one of your tuts that was hilarious. Thanks for being amazing pupils. Pax_-NolanTheLegend ; My current pupil. You have such a big heart & I'm so glad we met. I'm happy to be apart of pax when I'm not being a brat & wandering everywhere else. Thank you for buying me now VIP price me now. Jk I will always have your back as you were able to see for yourself yesterday. I'm sorry that you have to see my horrible tc. Btw tell boobs I said hiiiiiiiiiii in tc. Tye & Alan. (CanadianPsycho & Obey) ; You guys weren't my pupils for very long like the rest but I do appreciate you both. You guys kept my tc active all the time & I loved that. Tye thank you for letting me have Danny as a tutor, I still am thankful for that. Alan you're a brat, you never thank me when I give you bumps so I gave them to Mai. Pun......No comment. Those are all my pupils & I don't want anymore unless they toss me around to one another. Kbye.
Wyatt you're a very cherished friend of mine as well. And I was an awful pupil I rarely realized you got hired away . You made my day brighter with this thread.
Justin, one day we'll be on equal ground. Then I'll have your back as you have always had mine. Cherry, I'm glad this made your day. I'm glad I'm your friend. I couldn't thank you enough for what you've done for me. This was the least I could do.