Hello my fellow players and most importantly, my V Family.My V Family includes those in V Formation, V, and last but certainly not least, V Hangar. Okay so first off, Thank you to all of you.Ever since I started playing this game, you guys have treated me like family.You welcomed me with open arms, it was so nice to feel like I belonged.I started December 11th, 2013. I remember joining V Hangar that day, as well. You guys were having a pwar and you let me join and learn.You taught me about pots, patterns and more.You showed me the ropes, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be here without you Okay, so you all knew that I was afraid when playing, you taught me, guided me, had me read thread and even quizzed me as to see what I knew, I am so thankful for that. I know so much and am able to share my knowledge with others You guys, from the start, called me baby alien, I think it was because I was addicted to that emoji, and always I was afraid.You made me feel like I belonged,always was there for me.When I needed someone to talk to, you offered me your pm's, you listened to me and helped me through it all.You all said it was fine and such, and I said someday I would repay u back I believe I have and will always be repaying you back.You always tell me I am a kind person.Well, loves, that is only because of you.I have changed since December, but in my understanding, for the better.I am now a nice, caring person.I always help others before myself and I always thrive to do my best.I work hard and my main goal is to make you all proud, I am so glad to call you all my family. Now to the ex v family, you are all included in this, you were there for me and still are, you will always be my family I am so glad I am still with you all, you have proven to be amazing, I love you all so much, and just know, I'm here for you guys Now let's all just have a nice big ol group hug Love, Lillie aka baby alien I hope no bb code fails