[ITEM DESIGN] Mystery Pizza Item

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, May 2, 2014.

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  1. Hows this for an item idea, release the rest of the t6 lvls.
  2. Wonderful!
  3. I see my name tweak all over this thread 
  4. People still use Facebook? That's sad.
  5. PizzaShip!!:)
  6. @pimd is it going to have stats with it?
  7. Soooo when is the voting going to end pimd?
  8. Can't wait️
  9. 
  10. *^▁^*Can't wait to see what we get
  11. Will this item have stats too? @pimd
  12. Pizzashipppp^~^
  13. Alright, all the cool ideas have been collected and we're mulling them over.
    Thanks for posting such fun stuff guys, we'll do a sneak preview once the art is created.
  14. @Pimd u still havent married jortzy yet, he seems upset tht u nvr wed.him
  15. I don't like cats O.O
  16. Eh, who cares, buy more ata shit,
  17. Nice one guys!
  18. can someone send the link of pimd facebook. Thanks
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