Ending The Lucy Hate Fourms For Good

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WolfQueenPotema, May 5, 2014.

  1. It was confirmed that she indeed has cancer, but more then a month to live. I did write a forum asking what happened to Lucy. So many different answers 0.0 but I think it is best that we use the Fourms for guides and announcements... Not hate.
  2. If this is true, then I suggest she spent the last of her time away from pimd and with her family and friends she has in real life.

    Coming from the standpoint of someone who has only been reading about all the drama and such and no bias.
  3. No one likes her anyway
  4. Didn't mean for that to sound horrible 
  5. She really has cancer?
  6. She isn't as active as she was. Proving in her free time she's playing only on occasion
  7. Why is there so much hate on Lucy anyway?
  8. How are you sure that it's all real?
    I've been updated since the begining, why am I unaware of this?
  9. Please refrain from that kind of posts. I'd like to actually see some positives ? thanks
  10. her being less active proves nothing lol sorry lucy is a liar accept it and move on no point protecting her
  11. Not protecting her... Just who would lie about cancer? She can't possibly be such a heartless person.
  12. I'm actually over the Lucy hating phase, I just wanna know if the stuff she said are all real.
  13. Son of a gum-chewing funkmonster! Why the fruit does all this funny stuff keep happening?? Forget my life! Always surrounded by failing clods, like this whole world just likes to bend me over and find me in the Alps! Like I’m some sort of schlop receptacle. Well, as far as I care, these miserable cows can have a fancy barbecue with a God damn pig!
  14. as i said i suspect Munchausen's syndrome you posted on her wall 16minutes ago uncertain. just because its sick to lie about doesnt mean she actually has it sorry but lucy is a liar read everything youll see all the lies and inconsistancies
  15. +10 awesome points if you can name the show where that little rant first appeared
  16. first bit reminds me of dragon ball z but im not awake enough yet lol
  17. Really you made this bcuz in your head who would lie about it?? Omg the ss i just got a few hrs ago shows her bs lies right after the next lie
  18. Just drop it really. She lied get over it
  19. Cancer is such a sensitive topic, so when someone allegedly lies about having this and then drags this card out in order to drum up sympathy whenever they come under fire, then of course they're going to be loathed.

    The only way for the hate to stop against that type of person is for them to completely disappear from forums and/or for the person to acknowledge their lies and post an apology. or if it is true and they're tired of the vitriol then maybe show someone trusted in these forums proof.

    It's great that you believe her and are backing her 100%, you are free to do so. just like it's ok for someone to despise her for being a lying, attention seeking little snot and then posting this for everyone else to share.