How Chief Keef sees the world

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _War-, May 2, 2014.

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  1. Who dont kno Chief Keef

    OLE GIRL obviously
  2. My Chief Keef Squad has my back
    3Hunna Squad^
    *stupid hand gestures*
  3. Hrvatica, I certainly hope you enjoy your forum ban for your use of hateful and derogatory language, which may I remind you is against the RoC here in forums. :) you also bypassed a language filtered word in your abbreviation for said hateful and derogatory language.

    Please keep your hate to yourself, there's no need to poison the forums with it. Have a nice night. ️
  4. Wolves Keef saved the day
  5. Oh dear me 
    Much hate
  6. Noob, I would kick you from the thread but you are the show starter
  7. Hrvatica is the only person here talking sense. Keith is terrible. Listen to proper hip hop. And by that I don't mean Lil Wayne!!
  8. My question is Hrv a guy or girl… ?
  9. Chief Keef is a great rapper, we love music with mumbled words and words all munched up with each other.
  10. If u say chief keef three times in ur mirror all ur lotion will go away
  11. I wanna dropkick chief keefs chest in right now
  12. I don't believe Chief Keef is supposed to fall under the hip hop category.
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