Okay i may be a noob here but i can tell when someone is using a bot… Now, if the vip lists updates every 2am something is fishy here Mulva #1 on fight vip with 350,345 fights u go to her profile she has 358,991 so how is ut possible some one makes 8k+ hits sence early this a.m. i don't care. how much money they spend in dns u still are only aloud to usr a x amount of dns per hr.... so yeah like i.said fishy.... steven rank # 5 287,990 fights his profile shows 303,682.... and watch I'm sure in a couple of hours it will jump up another few k now if u "dn" 24 timrs a.day that's 480 hits on fight and in a year thats 175,200. Like i said i may only be a noob here but like seriously common 00_steven and 00_mulva ur vipnes is fake and its pathetic what u guys do to the actual hard.working people of this game hopefully pimd. community. sees this cuz yeah way to be awesome peace noob out ^_^
They could be using smaller inactive farms, as they'd be able to perform 50-60 hits vs 18-25 on one similar size. Plus playing as long as they have , it makes sense. I dont see why it even matters unless you're trying to VIP in fights.
Don't recreate locked or deleted threads. I already replied on the other one; forums is not the place for this and you should email support with your concerns.
And fallen everyone that plays pimd needs to know.expeshially since steven himself bullys people to reset or drop stats multiple times have i seen him do so and he puts money into.dns on them.and makes it unfair so *shrugs*
If he wants to spend all that money on a game, it's his problem. But how would knowing this (assuming it's true) help people?
Take ss, and email support if Steven is being disrespectful. And yes, they are using a hack system, but at the same time, PIMD already knows, and I'm sure they have some type of black market on the side too. There's nothing that can be done.
Since HSH is no longer existent, I can share that the top player there, Junu, also used bot-ware, and had a side deal with developers for endorsements.
What Pickles said, Or You can actually hack into the system if you're a good hacker. I've hacked a connection system, and used hacked free wifi and internet last year. I doubt that they didn't pay a good hacker for vip ****.
Street ur wrong left number wins righ number losses.....and i thought i was the noob hmm .. anyways and yeah I'm a game developer to private servers on sevral pc games and we banned / suspended any one including top money people that we cought botting and any other game iv played a bot was suspected they got the boot... now fallen i dont care if thry spend money on the game kuudos to them that they don't have a rl to vacation or do nice things lol once again that's not the issue what's the issue is what's in plain site and yeah iv spent a lot of.money. on ghis game when ev i can pinch a few dollars here and there so them being richy dosent effect me
Lol there's no bot. This should go in best of. It's 100% her defense wins. They don't show up on VIP. This is quite hilarious.
Op suggestion to you is. Stop running a muck in forums. It's not getting you anywhere nor does it gain you respect. Just stop talking that'll be very helpfully.