Indian Festival based hunt.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_Miss_-, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. There's two. The literary snob too.

    But I agree. We should have a bit more ethnically diverse avi's and hunts. It'd be nice to see what they could come up with if they tried to do it
  2. It is really cool if we all try a different hunt right? This may show people that even though we are not of the same races, we can be united. And every race is equal and we all should respect each and everyone.

    Indian Festival Based Hunt may stop racism. Or just lighten it. Agree?
  3. I cant really express myself in words. So sorry if you all cant understand what I am saying
  4. Why not just fo back to hunts like before? Film Snob. Rockstar. Summer Festival. Hipster. Party Animal. No religion or region in those.

    Or new stat boost hunt items.
  5. It is definitely something we should try. And please stop with this "common" crap.

    When a Cambodian little girl hears the word Asian do you think she pictures a fair skinned Asian? Probably not. Not all Asians are light skinned, and it is extremely ignorant for you to sit here and say that the reason they're white washed is because it's what's "common". No. Fair skin is not common. But it's the the vast majority of representation in the media all around the world due to years and years of racism. The common argument is clearly invalid, as I keep shooting it down. But also I cannot blame you for the ignorance, it's probably what you've been taught your whole life. ️ This isn't a subject to hate over, we should all be united.

    More diversity in hunts and avis, let's show everyone that despite are differences we respect each other as humans, because that's all we really are despite our different skin tones and cultural/religious back grounds. 
  6. *our

    Seriously idk how I missed that.
  7. Not all asians are white. Most of 'em are fair skinned. And india has one of the biggest population, so, Asians with white skin are out numbered by the darker ones.

    And remember, glutathione is available in any drug stores. Many Asians use that.. xD
  8. Thank you, Catty. That's the point I was trying to make, that darker skinned Asians out number the lighter skinned Asians. ️
  9. I want a cookie avatar.

    We should do a cookie HUNT.

    Male avatar should be a chocolate ship cookie.

    Female avatar: maybe a Oreo?
  10. Native american️
  11. Mrs Poz. No worries. :)
  12. Lol ill be happy with a spitfire hunt but talking generally I kind of like this idea abt the india hunt thingy but it would be unfair to all other countrys cause they also have specific traditions .
  13. How about DBZ HUNT?

    Those who get 3000k or more dragon balls get


    FREEZA or Vergeta's Wifey AVA (female AVA)

    (I forgot VEGETA'S wife's name)
  14. Those who get over 100k dragon balls get OVER 9000 DOCTOR NOTES.
  15. Make it fair and we do different hunts every 2months or so. Give each country a chance to show their culture or something?
  16. Ooh indian hunt 
  17. We need a World Cup hunt too then.

    But honestly, every country has a major festival and if we were to celebrate each and every one of them (that would be the only fair thing to do), we would be having hunts every week. I do like the idea of it and the idea of an Indian avi because saree are so pretty!

    Also on the other hand I don't see any 'European' avi's with olive complexions and dark hair. Beach bunny doesn't count, cause she obviously got her skin colour by being a beach bunny...

    Also, there isn't any Hispanic looking avi's, the closest one is the sorority leader or whatever her name is and yet she's not very Hispanic looking.

    I think PIMD does their best with avi's and hunts but it's always going to be hard to please 100s of different nationalities and cultures.
  18. I support that very much. 

    But back on topic: won't happen. No matter how much most of us would like it to happen, it won't. I have friends that are Buddhist, Daoist, and Muslim and they all do something for Easter. :/ it's just something that has become really common. Not for religious reasons, but for commercial reasons. Like most of the other hunts, even though they came from religion, they get turned into something that can be made money from which makes it common. Not saying any of your points were wrong, but thought that this should be said as well. It's like Christmas. Yes Christ is in it, but children of all races get excited over presents and Santa without thinking of the religious meaning behind it.
  19. I'm white. I support an Indian avatar. I would totally rock it. Their clothing is beautiful (the attire worn to weddings), and it's super sparkly and great colors! They also have awesome makeup. I rock my Asian avatar from time to time. It would be nice if ata was more culturally diverse in it's selection of avatars. They are, don't get me wrong, but have missed a few!