Ur Opinion on Cat cafe

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 2-INSIDIOUS-2, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Cubs need to stop locking door then try to get help when they about to fail may look greed for person trying to Join but really not because they are not joining just at lbh...smh we greedy for trying to hit eat bar?shot y'all be greedy hogging it them call for help after done lmao what your opinion on cc not your comment cuz IDGAD
  2. How is someone greedy hogging cat cafe, noone wants to spend real money to help a greedy leech like you.
  3. I leave clubs during Cat Cafe though unless like you mentioned they need help last bar but I only join just to help otherwise I could care less unless it was 2x again. I'd rather war than sit in cat cafe
  4. Peanut you hat to be the first post and be the one that dummy understand English said opinion not comment on above smh and people graduated highschool. You make no sense noddy says anything about spending real? Leech would be joining for lbh staying there from start and hitting facepalm different.
  5. Buy your own cat instead of complaining then.
  6. And by commenting someone is giving their opinion
  7. Not buying cat for $6 then have someone dn on it shotttt
  8. Op shit you noob ass
  9. Is anyone else having trouble understanding what insidious is saying?
  10. Still a greedy leech like he has always been
  11. The stupid thing is this insidious person has been leeching on and scamming ppl for at least a year now he just butt hurt ppl are starting to get wise to him
  12. What is your beef with the letter S?
  13. you guys are some fake ass people I swear. now if a moderation already been made this thread then you guys would have been like " well I love to hang out but I wish the party was longer" the party is amazing I wish there were more money porn or last part didn't go so fast" smh.... just like the three and made by that one person "why you play pimd" everyone said because it's on my phone, this is a stupid 3 why does it matter. But then admin made the same exact thread and everyone commented "its fun and i enjoy it, it relive stress. It's very entertaing. SHUT YALL SUCK UP ASSES UP!!! Look I am always on people minds they are such damn haters..frfr I bet when you are sitting at home you tell your kid all about me lmao nothing Better to do huh. ^^^ look at you hating hop of my...stop slurpin on it damn let it breath
  14. Pretty sure op bought scav hunt items, and then sold them off for a 300% increase

    Karma *****
  15. That's it.. Let out that anger WITHIN you.
  16. Lol karam....shottt nahh lol just the feeling not able to get cc frustrates me because they don't want to let people in but as soon as they are about to fail they start begging for help....lol

    I swear getting your to stop hating on me it's like trying to get a crackhead tonight use crack after using it his entire life, trying to get a woman that can only have one child to give her only child.

    Btw if hating was a job? YALL WOULD GET HIRED ON THE SPOT!!!!
  17. I'm not hating 
    I'm just telling you to RELEASE the beast inside of you.
  18. And I was just stating facts