Annonymous hits day

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GetToTheChoppah, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Well he didnt say it was unknown

    But that make things even better 
  2. That'd be entertaining, but ata would never do it.
  3. I eat pie I agree except with the WC thing
  4. SUPPORT only cuz I Hate Chuck Norris and Love Puppies lol
  5. Pimd purge...stealing items...yes and letting us take more than one of each stat item...noobs with shutter shades here I can dream can't I?
  6. SUPPORT so much support
  7. ?why support? When I hit someone, I want them to remember who did it
  8. Some folks would end up broke
  9. Support 
  10. Lol yasss  SUPPORT
  11. Sam you're a noob yourself lmao
  12. Support.. But I don't want to be anonymous.. Hahahaha
  13. Haha I think it's an awesome idea