The last hunt day …, i made 1+ party wth good drop rate like 39hit in rks… without getting any drop while others kept getting drops… and all what i needed was only 48duck to complete hunt! Please look at it ,and respond ata .ty
Hey! I think there is a problem on misc bonus for bunnygirl. When I select other avatars misc bonus is okay, but when I selected bunny girl misc bonus is zero. I tried resetting the app too
The top 200 eggs and top 3000 eggs winners that pimd admin did has come as a number on my phone, it says i can call, then says number is not available, its strange, can you fix it?
Thanks ata! I really liked this hunt and the fact that you listened to us about all four eggs is amazing. I'm actually starting to like you guys again. I take back all my threats.... Keep up the great work. <3 support
thank you for eggs for showcase but would it be possible to clear all extra pug things, chocs, boxes, bikinis, baskets and eggs from show case? Just keeping 1 of each? lol
Best hunt since Christmas! Only hiccup was the Ava's stats, but everything else was flawless. Great planning on your part! Keep up the great hunts like this!! I enjoyed this hunt much more than previous ones!! Thanks for listening and doing what we asked. Great job @pimd @pimd_c ️
I Understand, but I fought hard to get into the top 3000 and thought it was worth better stats. No big deal, just my thoughts.
Aww thanks pimd for giving everyone all the eggs as keepsakes. A lot of people have wanted that, so it's cool you listened.
I'd also like to say. Tyvm for these avatars. They are bootyful & deffo worth collecting those baskets <3 granted the stats are not as good as previous but the look of them makes up for that Best avatars I've seen from hunts in my opinion atleast and they were technically free so can't complain
Waiting for the next hunt wait no, i cant wait for the next hunt thanks Pimd_c for that wonderful event. So what're your plans for Mother's Day??