Anyone else disappointed in......

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Victor, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. ......bonus stats for top 3000 Avatars?
  2. Not really honestly..
  3. Nope 
  4. Lower Than Christmas
  5.  i meant yes.

    People who put in effort should recieve something also.
  6. yeah. I'm pissed but my avi is bootyful so worth it :evil:
  7. The avis suck what a waste of time better stats wouldve been awesome. Yeah dont really care how they look I want stats damn it!!!
  8. You want stats to be stronger then spend money and buy more % stat items and buy better tuts. Stop crying like little bitches, you got a free ava don't expect to reach VIP with hunts
  9. I think they look awesome tho
  10. They still junk so whatever
  11. The girl look like she 12 talk about awesome....really
  12. I'm sticking with the Christmas avatars; they're the best in my opinion 
  13. My avi sexy. I've turned into a dude now
  14. I loved those avatars..but yeah a bit disappointed as i couldn't reach the top 3000..yet it was fun participating 
  15. I reached the top 3000 and was still disappointed ill stick wit my Christmas dude too
  16. I think it sucks!
  17. Stats are crap.. What a waste.. I thought premium was good..
  18. Nope, the hunt was really easy when ATA release 2x promo drops, so i think it's fair enough.