OMG..... Sports bodies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 2-INSIDIOUS-2, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. All these jealous haters. Mad because OP is fabulous?
  2. How bout a round of aplause?
  3. Tell me when yall done... :) abused I bet you look just like your character in person smh slob......haters always want to be right even when they know they are about to get proved wrong,timber I suggest you stop writing their pole so hard because when they are gone you're still going to be there a little noob that you are you aint getting paid...but idc im saving $$$ scholarship flow fat hater
  4. Atleast she dosn't photoshop her pictures.
  5. If I was a girl, I'd fuck you.
    No homo tho.
  6. lmao this is hilarious, you're seriously pming everyone who post here telling then you'll have them silenced for disagreeing with you? Dude you can't get silenced in forums nice try. Yes, at least I don't photoshop my shit.
  7. Lol wut. #Escalation

    So confused, must read this thread.
  8. actually Mr know it all you can get silence because I asked you nicely to leave my thread because you are doing nothing but causing trouble... you asked a question I answered it leave you said I did something making up lies I said I didn't and told you what I did..done leave
  9. Hey nigga calm ur ass down now yes i called you a nigga, no one gives a fuck if ur clean or dirty negro, tbh all of yall are pathetic nooblets anyway except sparrow, lerarn a mans sport op, eat plenty of pretein, add a raw egg to every shake, eat plenty of meats, if u like ain fifty pounds, lift weights and turn it into lean hard fucking muscle. thnx for ur time :D
  10. Racist idc in every sport you be running so... in football they not going to help you if you are just strong and slow you'll get caught and tackled, but running makes you faster and if you are faster and stronger they're going to want u
  11. Umm so a mans sport is sitting around eating & lifting heavy things? LMFAO whata joke! Insidious stay proud, you enjoy it & your good at it well done on being fastest, can run rings around some big dopey steroid ridden freak hahaha
  12. Op, you yourself mentioned my name ?therefore I can stay, you just seem butthurt that your pic is fake.
  13. Also it's forum banned, not silenced. RoC, and ToU, two different things.
  14. A mans sport is being so riped that you can stand in the middle of the track and dare any op looking sticks to run past you, you walk slowly and win like a boss, when superman challenges you to an arm wrestle you say bring it motherfucka, and when you wake up every morning you stand at your window and be all like, 'bring it world, im fucking ready for anything'

    So basically a mans sport is making everyone else feel like a weakling, and make superman shit his pants wen you walk in the room like a boss :(
  15. ^ If lying was a sport, you'd be the world's champ.
  16. Oh trust me  don't know how right you are
  17. It doesnt need to be fashizzle, i already am the worlds champ :D
  18. Now wy dont you all scatter along kidies :(
  19. This insidious dude always been a joke don't rise to it
  20. But it's not.... so you're not.
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