I once wrote an essay in highschool like that... My english teacher just looked at me wdf why did you caps the first letter of every word.. BITCH I WAS BORED, IT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD MAKE IT A LITTLE LESS BORING
Yes Bow u can and for the TROLLS thanx for makin my thread 5 pages..hahaha.. u proved u all have no life!! I luv it!! muah xoxo
1/1/0f OP. You'd think she would've bought pots by now. Also, I'm hitting because your husband told me to. ?
Some people also have a life and dont use the forums as their facebook to complain about stuff that nobody cares about. PIMD will do what they want regardless of playeropinions
I can see half these ppl...including turtle ate very young, or young minded...can't debate with a kid over a game
It's ok... There will be more parties, more hunts. No need to cry, whine, or complain. There will always be criers, no need to whine about them either