So many people on here are like 6 year olds like really you guys make up words just so you don't curse. It's pretty sad how so many ppl are scared to get silenced from a game. It's a 17 and up game so let's act like it.
Ohhh, so bypassing, knowing it's silencable, is being mature? Does that logic apply to the real world too? Imma go grab a granny, stuff her in a van I stole down the street, then drive to a field and shoot down hot air balloons.. I know it's illegal, but I'm mature, so it's all good fluffer..
Its pretty sad how words can get people so bent And before the "im not butthurt wahhh im not mad wahhh wahh" comes out..if a thread is made, then by forum statistics yes you are pretty bent about it Call the fuck*** wahbulance