
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __Spitfire__, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. I just posted an image
  2. All I see is a square with image inside, nub :D
  3. That's the image you scud
  5. oo my phones battery is on 69% ;)
  6. Farm me too Bae
  7. So bae, how sexy are you? ;)
  8. From a scale of 1-10
    I'm a 10.000000000000000000000000000001
  9. I beat the scale
  10. Impossibru!!!
  11. When your as sexy as me, everything is possible
  12. My bae Ryder is hawt, Just wait until he posts ;)
  13. Dumbest thread. Ever.
  14. Dumbest name ever. ^