Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _Risa_, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Lets play a game  ima start the story off and y'all take it from there! one sentence at a time okay lets begin ahem...

    In a world full marshmallow men.
  2. There was a giant, black hole.
  3. And this giant black hole was filled with
  4. Giant fluffy marshmallows
  5. And they all lived happily every after.
  6. But there was a kid
  7. Not just any kid, this kid was..
  8. A marshmallow kid who...
  9. Later died....
    The end
  10. But he resurrected like Jesus
  11. This kid had Jesus' beard as well
  12. As the Undertaker's pubic muscle which unfortunately...
  13. Exploded All over this kids beard
  14. And got stuck in it
  15. The undertaker decided that he would...
  16. Eat the kid because he was to weak and because he was a marshmallow
  17. But because the undertaker had already exploded all over the kid, he didn't fancy eating him
  18. He threw him away
  19. So because the kid through the undertaker away, the undertaker got very...
  20. Happy and started to dance to that song by Pharrell Williams Cause I'm happy, Clap along if you feel like that's what you gotta do..