❗️Pimd honest Opinion Let's see it❗️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. as for the war issue, yes i think it would be a courteous gesture to wall and ask the pupil before buying. However, i dont check pupils nor do i expect anyone else to. Its not the pupil you are interested in, its the tutor. If the status of the pupil mattered, it would be included under the tutor in the market, but its not.
    If a tutor was hired from me in war, id hire back or find a new one. Thats a gamble you take joining a war anyway.
  2. Ashy sorry but you do sound like a broken record now and are not even looking at the real discussion that's actually going on.

    And queen that's exactly it. Common curtesy lol. It doesn't exist on this game. Only met a few people that have it. Most people will hire tuts when they want to keep that's a no brainer. But some people that hire, they don't hire to keep but to sell them on to other people and some don't even give the original pup a chance to hire back. I don't think many that had tuts for a long time and wanted to keep would just go "oh nvm". In a situation like that. Or course that's just my opinion.
  3. Yes Ash but in a 24/48 hour was people sleep. Wars are few and far between these days and if having a bc tut hired while you're sleeping becomes the norm then less and less will join.

    I always check a tutors owner just because I like the same courtesy extended to me. Under a certain price idc but if its a larger tut it can be a pain to just hire back since most war with no cash out.
  4. Indeed raven, and if you are sleep in a war and a BC is hired from you I'm sure you won't have the money out to hire back by the time you wake up. If you are being constant hit lol.
  5. Yup and as much as people say they wouldnt care I bet they would if it actually happened to them lol. If not then please post here so next time you're in war we all have a tut shop 
  6. i know that raven, but most do not check, myself included. Like i said, its the gamble you take joining a war. We can check pupils in hopes its reciprocated but the truth is, it wont be. No one really cares about pupils or what their doing, if the price is right for the tutor, it will be hired.

    & honey? im discussing and sharing my views as the thread continues. I dont think youve heard my stand on war/tuts yet have you prior to this? I think not
  7. I must be in the minority then because I do check unless its a tiny tut lol.
  8.  sure they wouldn't raven. Well ashy wouldn't mind by the looks of it. Very big of her. Because I certainly wouldn't be pleased if I was ln war and a big tut got hired while I was taken hits.
  9. all i want is
    remove cat cafe
    that's all
    i miss the pimd which
    without cat cafe
    is was about awards pro parties
    easy 2X
    but that was a long time ago
  10. So do I raven ? if I'm hiring a tut above about 50b I'll check pupils ?
  11. i didnt say i didnt mind if it happened while i fell asleep in a war, thats fault on me.
  12. Ash my reply wasn't about your views on war. It was to the one you posted way before in the previous page.

    Raven I check pup's always have done since I started playing. Simply down to courtesy. I wouldn't hire from anyone that I would consider a friend without asking. But that's just me. Even if the tut market is "Free"
  13. Pro parties sucked because you'd get dropped while you slept or worked just so an active can join. They are much harder for smaller clubs to complete and even the bigger ones struggled at times.
  14. My last post was aimed at sexydevilgirl btw
  15. well i think that's the main challenge
    i NEVER got kicked during pro lol
  16. I was hired away, to some person hiring op tuts for extra cash, then she sold me when my pupil didn't hire back. What she didn't know is my pupil planned on hiring back, but don't hire a tut who's like 100bil overpriced and expect a person to hire right back so you can earn easy cash. 
  17. You hit the nail on the head ?
    If a tut is clearly op it's obvious he/she is op because the pup wants to keep, if you haven't got the common courtesy to ask before hiring then don't complain if you get hit because of it
  18. Devil CC definitely has become a bit of a downfall for the game. Well parties in general are the downfall lol. But again like I said before it has helped smaller players. But has made it too easy for people to LCBC. The point of it was the fun and challenge of trying to get there. But now there is no real challenge at all.
  19. i agree with you on that honey, now it seems to easy and repetitive. Quite boring with the few wars and ecbc who know nothing of the game.
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