❗️Pimd honest Opinion Let's see it❗️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Julzz, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1.  ninja thanks for replying. Took the words out of my mouth.

    Dominator if you feel like I want attention stop posting on the thread. that really doesn't make sense. "Yes goodness I need attention on a thread on forums from people that I never talk to in a game" Goodness all that post will be invited for Sunday brunch and be considered my friends?
  2. Tutors are there to be hired but the people list is also there to battle other players for money yet some clubs seem to think using it should result to being farmed? Seems that the hire button is ok to be used but not the battle button?
  3. no, i completely understand that.
    But im saying that i think its dumb to hit if someone hires your tutor. Obviously if you know they are a trader, why give them the satisfaction of hiring back in the first place? A tut trader hires a tutor i really liked, i will stick them with it. If im hit over a lousy tutor hire, you can bet i will also retaliate. Most that hit, do not expect a return and are shocked when they do.
  4. most clubs frown upon battle list hits because it seems as you are instigating an issue. We all know people take things personally, so when they are hit by a certain person that carries a club tag, it will be seen as personal.
    What if an A member hired my tutor and shortly after, another A member bl hit me? What does that look like to you? Or if i had prearranged a cf with A members and a new member of A didnt know and bl hit me? This seems to be starting issues that we all know will raise hell.

    Sorry, using A as a example.
  5. Why wouldn't you expect to be hit if you hit someone? Same thing as BL hitters they won't or shouldn't be surprise if people hit them back or retaliate in any form.
  7. So you take bl hits on a case by case basis, why have one set in stone rule about a part of the game that the dev's created.
  8. When I hire tutors, I use the "price is half their stats" rule of thumb. But I will also choose to spend more than that if I see it's worth it. I say tutors go to the highest bidder. If someone hires a tut from you and you wanted to keep them, hire back. If the tut that's hired was already what you consider op, let them keep it. It IS just a game, so there really isn't any need to get all butt hurt about a tut getting hired from you, there's plenty more out there.

    One exception I will make note of, is if someone's in a war, be courteous and don't take a tut from them. That's just really inconsiderate.

    That's my two cents!
  9. Also there are some who hire tuts just to annoy the pupil, how is that different from hitting someone from the bl that you might want to annoy?
  10. I hit people off my bl that I don't like ;) Hitting over your tuts being hired is dumb but I do expect 1-4 hits everytime I hire a tut but if its more than that they can expect 24dns. We all have our different opinions when it comes to a tutor being op. With the 2x cat parties people have money to spend on tutors for their tb they don't care if its op because they would keep it at that price anyways.
  11. If you BL hit you just deal with your own decision. That's the way i look at it. If you want to hire a tutor and know it'll cause drama. Deal with it and don't complain about it.
  12. But that person who hit over a tutor hire needs to understand there are consequences as well. Hit as a BL or a TL and expect to be hit back.
  13. Id never hit someone without expecting to be hit back lol
  14. Exactly !!!!!!!
  15. Tbh its kind of boring hitting the bl and getting no return hits.
  16. I like when they return hits back but they add an extra & so you return that extra & then it just goes back & forth ?
  17. Ok so here is my opinion, if you hire my tut op, up, whatever im gonna send a tap to the person who hit

    On a side note honey and aiden are both emo brats, They use their club to get ahead, and ive seen them have their whole club sf a single person over hiring an up tut.

    That is all
  18. If I am ignored, yea I will hit. Usually when they've hired a lot and don't reply to the wall post AND have no tuts for me to hire from them... Especially when their status is "DONT HIRE MY TUTS" and I am ignored (usually LCBC/ECBC)

    What I've experienced on my smaller account is being farmed over a $2000 tutor! That account has been farmed (or people attempting to farm) a million times by many noobs over hiring 1kcs starting @ $2000

    If the tut is underprice, I think hitting is ridiculous... If the tutor is overprice, do what you want. (I agree at price is half stats as OP said) I have volleyed up many tutors from beginners price, and try to remain their pupils, and I'm sure have others, so it sucks when others try to force them away because now they have stats. Many people are rude when it comes to tuts, even though it's still a game.
  19. Im in SIN, I have never sf anyone over a tut. @hazel
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