Technology no more [Banned]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LLD, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Lol interesting someone is trying to get support for banning technology on an app... Oh the irony
  2.  I know right? 
  3. lol blake. op is just stoopid ^.^
  4. Not stupid, just intellectually challenged 
  5. Have to be politically correct 
  6. Lol is that the PC way of saying it nowadays? 
  7. lol yes we must. pc is errywhere.
  8. Yes it is ??no one is stupid
  9. Technology cause less food
  10. Wrong again, technology allows gm, gm gives extra crop yeild, extra crop yeild = more food
  11. Child Abuse 
    *Wifi connection disconnected*

    WTF MAN!!!!!

  12. Get rid of yours and lead by example
  13. You need bt wifi, fastest broadband speed as well 
  14. Meant to be for duke, sorry 
  15. Sorry hun, please forgive me ????
  16. Technology is the first rock used as a hammer, technology is the little pill that saves your life, technology is the heart that keeps us alive and above things such as a bug.

    Technology causes none of these problems you listed, but it is dragged into it. Look further into these problems and decide what the real cause is.
  17. Sooo hungryyyyy
  18. Agreed with Rogers, all of these problems will still be happening even if we didn't have technology, some of them a lot worse, we need technology, stop dragging it through the shit