Technology no more [Banned]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LLD, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. How does technology cause less jobs? I anything it causes more. >.>
  2. It causes less job because technology is taking people job.
  3. No, technology is making more jobs than it is taking >.>
  4. How does technology cause child abuse? 
  5. The only interpreation of this that I see is that OP is worthless and can't do a thing right so he would rather live in a cave
  6. LOL

  7. If technology is so bad, why are you on this app and using it.
  8. It causes child abuse because they get abysses by parents.
  9. PICKLES, smartest person on this thread.
  10. No tech lets cut off maybe all of the food farmed by technology like tractors nd transport lol
  11. Technology caused aids
  12. Technology found out the cures to hundreds of diseases and saved millions of lives
  13. ok this is stupid. if u hate technology. throw ur phone out. and ur over. ur microwave. ur washing machine. all electrical tools. ur tv. ur shower. destroy ur car. lawnmower. indoor plumbing. ur doors/windows. technology is not limited to computers. tech exsist in food processing. education. clothes manufactoring. pregnacy. medicine. cancer research and treatment. list goes on to encompass almost everything. grow up. get smart.
  14. lol ty. didnt spellcheck lol
  15. No problem ️ My pleasure
  16. Wrong technology is the reason why Suside exists. With all the cyber bullying and ads..
  17. And you think that if there was no technology that there would be less suicides? Less cyber bullying maybe, but more bullying in general, as there is no where you can block it