So iAnnieAmHisKryptonite has taken upon herself the task to archive all of my stuff and for that I'm grateful. It's not easy going forum fishing. I'd like to turn this into an opportunity to add a little sunshine into the forums. There's already a compliments thread and a "Say something nice" thread and I want to add to that. Basically, name something you're grateful for and why. ------------------------------------------------------------- Scumbag University I'm grateful for this wonderful club. We've come a long way. You've given me a home and a place to belong. I'm proud of how the club's turned out. We're not perfect but it's home. Seafood I'd like to thank the existence of seafood. I don't know what I would do without it. Every time I have seafood, I'm filled with such childlike wonder and the heavens split apart with the hallelujah chorus resounding throughout the lands. Yeah. That's me. Friends They're like the family that you get to pick and they back you up when you're down. I admit I've only really started getting great friends recently and not just in PIMD. I'd be a mess without them. STD_RedBerryRidingHood You're my best friend and my taco RP hunni. The rest of the message shall be taken up in the batmobile. Puppies I freaking love puppies.
I’m grateful for all the awesome people I’ve met through playing this game! I have friends around the world because of this game so really, I’m also grateful I was bored one day and I decided to download this app! Much love to you all <3
I also wanted to add two great quotes about gratitude because I love quotes - 1) "Gratitude is the memory of the heart." ~Jean Baptiste Massieu, translated from French and 2) "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." ~G.K. Chesterton
first off, I'm grateful for this amazing place called PiMD forums. They may not be the same they were a while ago, but they're still forums and I enjoy the people here. Trolls included. Also Scumbag University for giving me a home and people I would call family. I'm utmost grateful for my friends, even though some have left and went their seperate ways and such. They'll forever have a place in my heart. But last but not the most important, Sir revolutionary wolf. There's not enough gratitude I could ever express to you. Words are simply not enough ️
I'm grateful for this thread simply because it's nice to see people talk about what they appreciate in life .
I'm also grateful for many other things both in life and on this game. But if I began listing them my list would never end !
Grateful for My Mains Nora-My Twin, because we are always able to confide in one another. She's like a sister to me, I'm so grateful to have her. We can talk hours about everything and nothing :lol: She's seen me through my hard times and through my best times! She's a force to be reckoned with; intelligent, caring and she's drop dead gorgeous. Mary-My Buddha Call, never fails to make me laugh. She's the least boring person I know. Though she may be comedic she's very caring toward those she is close to. She's one of the first people I met on here who I connected with in terms of music & sense of humor Yann-My Kdrama Buddy, first male I've met who appreciates Kdramas like I do. He is also funny and makes everyone feel welcome. He's also a loyal person who was in our club even when it was dead and 2days past with nobody in cc :lol: Iris-Our Rock, She's such a supportive person. And a lot of fun She definitely takes charge when she needs to and does it gracefully. She does her best to get to know everyone. I'm glad to have her as a friend Dottie Rai & Son Hans One of my fav couples, they're so compatible it's insane. Both very bubbly and fun to chat. They know when to joke around and when to be serious. They're very uplifting with their love story and I'm glad to have them in my heartἳ9 Also grateful for Beks who was there for me through a recent hard time. And especially grateful to my Admins & Head admins who do their best to keep cc running and our club chugging along Last but def not least Muj- My Heart Im filled with gratitude to have found him. When I tell people we met on a game, it's like I'm looking at that big-eyed emoji in RL :| Anyways... He's a stubborn guy, when he believes in something he won't give up no matter who tells him it won't work. He's fun to be silly with and very supportive when needs be. We have plenty of ups & downs like all couples. We have been together more than a year and are still working on us in game & rl. Love you pelemoni If you're not mentioned it doesn't mean ur unimportant.. just means its past my bedtime and my brains a bit murky atm. Chances are if you're still in my life, you are someone I'm grateful for and are in my life for a reason. **I do apologize for any BB code fails, grammar fails, etc