The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Arktum: -devours more of the fruit-
  2. Ethan: -steals more fruits from him doing the same thing over and over again-
  3. Nick:-says to crystal- Just saw some figures in the distance and I thought why not to check it out
  4. Arktum: -eats the fruit at lighning speed-
  5. Mark: stares coldly at nick
  6. Crystal; Well.. Hi.
  7. Mark: gets up and starts to walk off again.
  8. Nick:it's nice meeting you-walks off-
  9. Crystal; -shakes her head and runs off to catch up with Mark- He was weird..
  10. Nick: not used to talking -coughs as he walks around-
  11. Mark: he slows his pace a bit.
  12. Nick:-creates a spark in his hands and enlarges it into a ball and plays with it-
  13. Arktum: -turns my head into nick's direction, noticing the familiar ball of light-
  14. Nick:-creates more smaller spark balls around the first one-
  15. Arktum: what the hell is that…-creeps towards the balls of lightning-
  16. Nick:-senses arktum's presence and sends the spark ball towards him-
  17. Ethan: -watching while sitting down-
  18. Arktum: woah! -jumps- ok that does it! -Coats my body in yellow lightning-
  19. Crystal; -turns around and sees Ark covered in lightning- Oh god, really? - shouts to Ark- Ark, calm the hell down!! - then she turns to face Nick and points her finger at him- And you can too.