Ok, so I'm wanting to cut so my "internal whips" won't happen, so is anyone gonna be mad if I cut until my life gets better
Cutting = Bad. Simple as that. Fishing for sympathy from strangers will only lead to pity and more pain. Double the pain... double the joy eh? Check yourself before you shark yourself.
Wow. I can't believe you'd make a thread about this. So many people cut everyday it doesn't make sense and it's NOT funny. It's not something to joke about either. Which I'm assuming you are. However, if you are really considering cutting, don't. It leaves scars that you'll hate one day. ? You'll look back on them and think about your past. ;-; When you should be looking towards the future. It may seem like a good way to escape problems now, but it isn't.
I am serious and I used to until I was forced away from it with a violent force, and now I'm getting that person to understand that it makes me less suicidal
Just don't. It won't do anything, and I have no idea if you're lying or not, but it's not the answer either way.
What Fallen said. However, with all your current threads, I feel like you are just seeking attention.
.... Cutting makes you a higher suicide risk. If you cut too deep you could hit a vein and bleed out. (Die) Reading that comment just makes me want to slap you. Child, you need to stop.
Uh cutting doesn't help anything when you see them you remember the reasons you cut and do it more. If you do do it on your inner thigh so people don't see them and question them.
Don't cut. I did it for 7 years. It gets you nowhere. Life only gets better if you make it better. Good things don't happen to those who wait, good things happen to those who grab a bull by the horns and says giddy up! I kicked depressions ass by taking control. You can do it too :-D
I can't make anything better, everyone just makes it worse, and cutting won't kill me if I cut the place where the vein doesn't stick out as much