Ruined Childhood

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. You know the Little Mermaid? Of course you do. Anyway, I was thinking and realized that they sang a lot underwater.

    Sooooooo, technically.. They would sound like..


    ....yeah, I'm sorry. I need sleep.  Night guys!
  2. Even more beautiful than I imagined. <3
  3. Also she needs gills for underwater breathing.
  4. Its called disney logic
  5. Well, mermaids are magical and the songs were probably translated from mermish to English. 
  6. nuuuuu it sounded like i remember ?  under the sea under the sea then it sounded like blub blub blub just cuz thats all i remenber 
  7. Bump 
  8. Lol Nick, Bluuuu bluuu 