️T6 Level 1 Builds️

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LadySlytherin, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Its not even the exact kcs of each build they all rounded
  2. Still better than having to convert 
  3. Roywhere do I begin?

    1. A lot of this "Hate" your talking about mostly came from your mouth. And we were stupid enough to baby you and your diva attitude for so long. And I mean that in general. Anyone backing Roy up or think that he is your friend, don't doubt that he talked about you like I'm sure he is talking about RS now.

    2. I'm happy this thread has been helpful to people who wanted it. PIMD is one of the highlights of spending my time.

    3. All you people that spend most of your time putting people down or threaten people on this GAME. I feel sorry for you. While people have been farming, sf-ing, or just verbally attacking RS. You have made us that are real RS family stronger and closer together. Thanks for weeding out our bad egg members, there has been way less PMS atmosphere with them gone.

    Say I'm mean, or "butthurt". Whatever y'all believe. But when you face a life threatening sickness, you don't have time or the care for the bullshit people do and say on GAME anymore. So bully me on a thread. It just makes you look like a big jerk for being mean to someone with cancer.

    PS, my wall is open to those that have questions about the thread.
  4. Nice thread thank you 
  5. This helps a lot
  6. Very helpful thanks 
  7. Why can't this get marked in guides
  8. Can this get marked as information
  9. No offense but I like this thread better than the other one
  10. Bump, very useful?
  11. Don't have my build ?