I need A Sugar mama to spoil me and my tuts

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by pimd-jortdzy, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1.  you're a lousy player. Try to work your ass off instead.
  2. Im only a bitch to lazy ppl :-D
  3. I swear, I'll farm this ***** when he grows.
    Grow some balls, work for your own ****. Go get those big boy panties, sissy.
  4. 
  5. I prefer my panties, and hey bro ill be waiting for wen i can ur ass too, bring it brah, u couldnt even be able to touch me with the whole world on ur back bitch
  6. what the hell did i just read
  7. Can this thread be locked,ppl are too cheap yo help the kid out
  8. 
    If you want your thread lock
    Don't use your other account to do it
  9. Your like a cheap Hooker. Noone wants you except desperate pervs or dieseased dicks. Your a whacko. Talking about your alt like he's a different person. Newsflash NOONE LIKES YOU... GO EAT A DICK :-D
  10. He wont upgrade coz we will all farm him! I can't wait! Mwahahahaha! :-D
  11. Doesn't matter how many alts someone has, if you act like a noob ~ you are a noob. This thread makes the average noob look like professional pimd veteran. This thread should be locked for being totally useless, has no value to be in the forum.
  12. Wow you guys,dont know shit do uu
  13. My voice shall be herd, shit i dont even know op
  14. ♪♬Booty bump pitty bump bumP it baby bump pooty bump yeah baby bump tooty bumb oh yeaaaaaaaaaaa♪♬
  15. Grow up bitch, nobody is going to waste time and money for you little fuck shit. Why am I just not surprised at this shameless little slut
  16. Why don't you bump your ass on a dick
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