I need A Sugar mama to spoil me and my tuts

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by pimd-jortdzy, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. People are still nice and generous. But seriously. Meet 50% of your demands? why not just pay someone to play the game for you? Some of us actually worked for our own stats. It's not that hard with Cat Cafe out, too. So forgive us if no one wants to help you because you're being greedy.
  2. Hey thats wy i said a sugar mama in the first place, to atleast help me buy all my dorms
  3. I can give you RP in Tc ;D
  4. I knew it your jortdzys alt. Hell no would anyone be your sm when you've got 6-7 alts. Work for your money or piss off...
  5. Who the fuck is jortdzy

    My main is PIMD_jortdzy, but this will be my main soon, no trolls pliz,
  6. Learn to spell, please.
  7. Same thing idiot... you have so many alts it should be easy to get money right? Lol
  8. Wait, this is the dude who has like 6 alts? LOL
  9. Yes apparently and this one makes 7.
  10. Wtf are yall talking about, sugar mama wanabe's
  11. So thats wy ur stealing my tuts huh, sm wannabe, sorry miss but i prefer fatter purses
  12. I like my men educated and aren't lazy...or poor like you. I work for what I got
    I just remembered a song

    This thread has a boy and he begs for shit we laugh at him everyday...nanana why don't you complete the jobs
  13. Fuck the jobs, and power to the lazy, to hell with the trolls, its better to enjoy money wen u have none, and im very well educated enough to know i dont give a shit about my spelling noob
  14. I'm a noob I'm higher stats then you

  15. Still a noob sm, ur unworthy to be my sm
  16. Your a wanker is what you are lol!
  17. thnx for noticing bitch
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