The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Crystal: -a confused look crosses her face and then she lifts her head to an upright position again. Still staring at Mark she shakes her head -
  2. Mark: looks at Crystal and holds out his arm. Its covered in old cuts and scars.
  3. Nick:pulls up his hood and moves towards the person in the distance-
  4. Crystal; - looks at Marks arm and stares at it, her eyes looking up and down his whole arm- Battle scars?
  5. Nick:-climbs higher up and sees mark and crystal-
  6. Arktum: -stomach growls- uh oh, im hungry 0.0
  7. Crystal;-hears a rustle up in the tree but ignores it-
  8. Nick:-jumps down and walks towards crystal and mark-
  9. Crystal; -takes her attention of Marks arm and looks over to where Nick is walking over. She then sees Nick and turns to face him with her neck extended and her shoulders back- May I help you? - she says sarcastically and taps her foot impatiently-
  10. Arktum: -spots some fruits on a tree, instantly feasting on them- mmm really good!
  11. Jack:

    He keeps walking shrunk, shaking himself off. "Great."
  12. Mark: sighs and turns attention to nick.
  13. Snow:-slaps Ark's Back- We dont know if those are safe Brother
  14. James:

    -walks to the mess hall-
  15. Arktum: -takes with mouth full- but im starrrrvvviiinnnnggg -devours another fruit-
  16. Snow:-frowns and I lean on the tree- fine then...If you Die, We will know hmm
  17. Ethan: -steals fruits from Ark-my fruits
  18. Arktum: i dont intend on dying -continues to eat- want any?
  19. Arktum: -steals them back- mine!
  20. Ethan: -steals it again disappearing before he can take them away-

    Conner: -behind Snow-he won't die those aren't poisonous or anything