Rosetta Stone ... the woman who was "speaking Mandarin" was pretty bad. Better than nothing though, right?
My name is Asia. I'm half Italian, half Irish and I'm impressed at my auto correct up to now. I'm an Englishman graduate and I have a masters degreed in translating. I have a pretty demandingly job which is translation really Bornu legal documents. I've been dancing ballet for a long time an dcurrently teach barre class but I hope to get background to performing soon. I love cookies, reading, listen in to music and dsncing. Mio favorite foods is seafood and dish. I liked this challenge
Umm i loke pie it tasted very grat , i eat a lot and i lib flirting wihth.ranfom people and taljing aboug eatinf.pide i tbink i did great overall, earro in sifht
Hi there, my name is Maggie. I also have a Chinese background but I live in Australia, I quit Chinese school this year so I'm slowly starting to lose my manderin knowledge. I'm a smart and sporty person, always getting good grades in classes (runs in the family ) but I love my sport, I follow cricket during the summer (test matches) but sometimes watch other sports if I'm not busy Thanks for reading ?
I won't bother to sy my name since I know for a fact my autocorrect will change is as usual.. I am from saldtchen vanada and work in a hotel.. I love my job except this 2x pay out on cat cafe is killing my sleep today since o have to get up in 3 hour to get ready for work.. Amyway y hobbies include coking walking curling reading etc.
Im a puppy that lives his life like any other, I bark at bkrds , I vhase the mailman and pee on furniture, like any normal person
My name is Zoey ?? I'm pretty much Italian and a mix of some others. I love Olive Garden, my favorite is Chicken Alfredo.. Yum Yumm. I love playing sports, field hockey is my main. Been doing nationals and playing for indoor, I'm a champ ? Then I condition and do track. I also play video games.. League
Course it gets cut off ? But i Iook forward to being something in the medical field in the future.. Challenge completed ?
Hi I'm china doll I'm not made from china but made of china. I like the fact that I have autocorrect on my english keyboard. Yay. Halle he done!
ok here goes. i'm jen snd am serioysly the laziest typiest. bt glad mu autocorrect id off cause tgat would tell tou more sbout mr thsn this. rhe facts: im old, gorgeous and fantadtic! lmfao oh and i swear loke a drunken sailor who xant afford ... you get my drift ... been playung sinxe december, love my club, mids upgrading! have a very baughty dof and a cat called troubkr. ffs - i give up! wheres my autocorrect!!!!!
Okay i turned off my ac, and inswrar im the worst typer without it. anyways im ashliee! 24 and successfulish in my own eyes. whoelse lives on their lwn at 24 and could pay their bills and everything on theirbown? crap this looks bad already. i recently just becane an aunt ladt year. my ownly sister had a baby girl. i have 3 other brothers, two days and anmum. those who know me knownin write about real studfd. could call me a realist whatever. i also love to bale. cakes cookies rownines breads. i also har this thing about being a smartass. which technixally sucks coz i dont nnow when yo shut uo. I plan on going back tk school with andounle major in english and in desigh. my first time in school in went for graphic deaign and i dropped out. yes im a college quitter. i graduatrd hish school with a 3.8gpa. yes call me smart ot whayrvet. indont care i quit. too much mostakes.
what are we supposed to say while doing this?im shocked tbat my typing has ben this good conviderimg its 2am amd im sleepy as hell