Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. 7

    Lawl, I've been here for more than 2 years so I would hope you see me around. ,_,
  2. A 2 lol I thought I was more known. Been here a long time.
  3. As have I and I dnt know you........so 2
  4. Lol I seen your name once so I probably should have rated lower. I'm always in wc talking to Jen and the others from gc
  5. Error 2
  6. mine was for error
  7. I never seen Error on forums........4........what campus are you on US or Asia?
  8. 10 for Ryder buddy.
  9. 10 for Lil Stevey.
  10. 10 for Ryder's laydee.
  11. lmao 10......shes 1 in a million bro
  12. You love her ah lot dont cha?
  13. I do indeed.
  14. I love you too man<3