Uh, how do you know I'm British though? I mean I am but yeah, ahah. And seriously? :0 Awesome haha. I feel young now. xD By the way I'm working on the next update now so I'll post it later or tomorrow. It's a flashback of Milly which explains some things, and more of the killer's point of view because I like writing his parts. xD
Is that 18 because you're meant to be 18 to play PimD though? :3 I'm curious and I don't know why, but oh whale. xD I'm not a cat so all's good. ('Curiosity killed the cat.')? Wow, I really need to stop rambling on all my posts.
No, by your stories. You could easily be an adult though, like a middle-aged woman with a few wrinkles and all. I knew because you said so. And I'm observant, and you speak like the British.
Oh no. I just realised I kinda messed up in the last update. The girl who was killed in the woods wasn't Milly; Milly was killed in her bedroom. So uh yeah, I kinda messed up there, but I'll just add a small part to the next update which helps with that part. Which make Xavier kinda suspicious which wasn't the plan, but yeah. When he was explains his idea he was talking about the girl in the woods as if she were Milly, which was accidental and not meant to happen, but oh well. xD
When you read about Xavier's idea, did it imply he was talking about Milly, or did it say Milly do you know? I'll read back anyway, but yeah. If so I think I'll probably just rewrite parts of that update.
Oh yeah I just forgot she was killed in her bedroom and I thought she was the one on a date in the woods
Bump, because I'm going to continue this. :3 I wanted to before, it's just it went wrong and I couldn't be bothered fixing it. xD
Sorry, this probably won't get continued. It went kinda wrong and I don't have it in notes anymore bc new I pod. Sorry aha. /)(\