Hey guys!What do you think about this.If you get a hypnocat in a club,is it necessary that you will use it in that club?the club wall did not post that's the rule either but you got treatened that if you will not use the cat in the same club they will farm you(well actually its the owner only who treatened me that way).is it right or wrong?share your opinions here.maybe you can back me up if im right with my thinking.coz it seems that I have the right with the hypnocat I got.I partied faithfully and I think I have the right to use it whenever I wan to.Why should I be threatened??Im open minded.share everything here and ill appreciate it.ciao!
You wouldn't have gotten it in their in had they not accepted you. I personally would always use the cat in the club I earned it from.
yeah,its not in the club wall.coz im thinking of keeping the cat till I want to but I got threatened of being farmed.any other suggestions or opinions?
I never win a cat, but if i ever somehow maybe were to magically win one, which probably wont happen.. I'd keep it is a pet?
I would use the cat in the club I won it in. Lots of clubs do either Fa or PP to win a cat. Imagine how they feel when they finally get a cat from one of those b2b parties... But then the person who won the cat doesn't want to use, it sucks. That's messed up to the club from my point of view. I would use the cat.
If they didn't write it on their club wall, they didn't forewarn you that if you get a cat, you've to use it there. And I don't think they're in any position to threaten you about it if they didn't make it clear. But it's nice if you would use it, because as some people above said, if they've done heaps of fa/pp parties, had no drops and suddenly a cat drops on someone, I would want them to use it there.
I always use the cat where I get it, but if someone threatened to farm me for my cat, I'd say Start farming, cause I'm outta here.
Anywho. Ive gotten cat in two clubs. One was Ascension the other was EViL. I used iy at Ascension cuz I was there for about a week and even tho I was active maybe 10-20% of the time, they didnt kick me. So yeah. And EViL because it's my HC so yeah.
If a club has let you in to use their cats, you'd seriously think about using a cat you won somewhere else? People astound me
There really isn't any reason not to use the cat in the club you won it in right away unless they don't have the cat party unlocked. It's gonna be worth the same there as it will somewhere else. Only times I haven't used the cat I won in the same club is 1) when I bought a cat for the club previously, or 2) i won it at a sub club and used it at the main club