The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Conner: -behind the stranger-interesting indeed
  2. ???: -Smirks at connor before turning to mist and fading away-
  3. Mark: steps on jacks shield
  4. Conner: -yawns jumping up into the trees-
  5. Jack:

    It crushes down on him a bit, he digs down into the ground.
  6. Mark: he looks down at the ground, noticing he stepped on something hard. "thats wierd" he kneels down to find the shield.
  7. Jack:

    He quickly goes spread eagle, holding himself up inside the shield so that he is lifted with the shield.
  8. Mark: picks up the shield. "well who would leave this here?"
  9. (Yeah, jut pretend like I was fighting the whole time)
  10. Crystal; -dangles her leg off the tree- why, that was fun.. /chuckles and jumps down from the tree..-
  11. Mark: "hmm" runs his finger along the edge, it slicing into his finger. "sharp little thing"
  12. Crystal; -walks or to Ark, wondering who he is talking to- Whatcha doing? -stands behind Ark and looks around to see who he is talking to-
  13. (you talking to Mark?)
  14. ( Crap, yeah.. Sorry?)
  15. Ethan: -not noticing he falls into the water crater-0.0
  16. Arktum: -stands back up- ok i think im good…

    *Announcement rings throughout the forest*
    Inter-Com: Participants! Due to the arrival of some…special cases, we will be extending the 12 days to 24. During this time, please do not attempt departure. Thank you for your participation, and enjoy!
  17. Ethan: -sleeping on the water while floating on his back-
  18. Arktum: stange…
  19. James:

    -grunts- now I'm stuck in this hell hole longer
  20. Ethan: -keeps on sleeping-