FLITHY PEASANTS *looks at in disgust

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LelouchViBritannia-rebellion, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. crap here

    Oh look. I'm filthy.
  2. Hmmm....a low-life depressed 13 year old called us peasants whooooaaaa he learned a big word GOOD JOB LITTLE BUDDY!!
  3. Peasant

    : a poor farmer or farm worker who has low social status
    : a person who is not educated and has LOW SOCIAL STATUS

    So why are these people that i know called peasants? 
  4. noob :lol: Yeay ima peasant \[^®^]/
  5. I love u becouse your a peasant unlike this rude bitch
  6. *bows* now kiss my ass op , you annoying little bitch :shock: :twisted:
  7. What fresh hell is this?
  8. I can just say that one OP you brought this on yourself by making a thread that anyone can comment on and two peasant drove the mighty British empire from America, stromed through the streets of France robbed an armory and stormed a castle captured the fleeing king and queen and beheaded them both in front of a crowd. Oh and not to mention it was peasants the rose in Russia to kill the Tsar and his advisors and family bringing a end to the rain of Tsar. So OP please tell us again how we are peasants.
  9. [​IMG]

    Bitch please, i'm fabulous
  10. That's a pretty peasant
  11. Your all peasants because you don't know where your words belong so don't speak unless you can fix your crap
  12. I smell hypocrisy.
  13. Not being hypocritical, because I am putting you all in the level you belong in
  14. Mwhaha I love you too stranger  you shouldn't judge people before you know them?and Hun this was a very unnecessary post that you meant to make for attention am I right? I think so...

    Listen to the other people commenting as well, someone does not simply make an announcement such as this just to tell other about attention seeking people when you yourself are seeking attention,

    thanks for sharing the love
  15. In case your wondering I'm not freaking attention seeking
  16. Noob
  17. obviously you are attention seeking