We are all unique individuals different things decribe us that pre made avatars just cannt bring out. So I was thinking what if ata added a blank space or two for customized avatar and made these spaces cost alot to unlock. Once unlocked they could have you buy the base avatar stats you want and ask that you please send a picture of your custom avatar maybe it just be a picture of you or maybe some funny cartoon character. Ata would have to review it and it would take time make each one so maybegive a set time frame to distrubute each to its owner. Its just idea you all critisize it as you see fit and give a thumbs up or thumbs down please.
Or how about they keep these avatars but allow us to customise key features such as the hair or the clothing? It would be the exact same avi across the board but slightly unique?
I suggested months back customisr hair or eyes or skin and got trolled. To be honest suppirt but good luck
I wouldnt know if you had the idea or not i dont read forums lol. And as for more work they would be making money off of it so how isbthe work a problem
Op I do not support this idea of having pictures if yourself up, due to the fact someone could use a pic of someone else, or the fact that they could use it to harass someone, Sorry no support.
No support. It is not easy to make avatars at all. They'd have to come up with thousands and that will slow the game.