Arktum: look u guys. If were gonna survive these next 12 days we have to WORK TOGETHER -emphasizes together- now i suggest we find some food and water and a place to crash before nightfall. Seem good? -looks at everyone, a hint of excitement and curiousity in my eyes-
Conner and Ethan: -sitting down already having a campfire cooking some food and a tent already built-
Crystal; - stares at Ark and slowly walks towards him - Look, I will help.. But this does NOT mean that we are a "team" or "friends". Got it? - she bats her eyelashes and looks at the whole group.. -
Arktum: i wasnt ever asking u to be -gives a shrug- we can call it a temporary alliance *A series a loud howls are heard from afar*
Crystal; - walks past barging Ark and waves her hands up in the air - Oh no. He has a knife. - laughs at the sarcasm in her voice -
Arktum: -snorts a bit- come on sis, we can go hunting (is it ok with u guys if i extend the 12 hellish days over 12 actual days? :0)
Snow:-nods and I follow Ark, sneering at Crystal and taps her cheek, the contact sending paranoia and Self Doubt into her, still not liking her- you think you are any good hunting on your own Girly
Arktum: oh come on sis im sure she does. Come on! Maybe theres a giant fish we can catch! -jumps with joy-.mmmmm fish
Crystal; -laughs at snow- Well, I guess we will find out.. Won't we, little one. - walks off laughing to herself -
Mark: sighs "finaly, theyre gone" he sits and rests leaned against a tree. His black cloak is like a heated blanket in the sun. He closes his eyes and listens.