So! I been waiting for pimd to be able to have this ability but they have never added it. .-. There should be an ability where we can show our selfs off line or busy. Because sometimes it's very very verrrry annoying getting msges from ppl that you don't wanna talk to and all ya wanna do is play the game. And sometimes you don't wanna say leave me alone to that player because it starts So! There should be ability for us to show our selfs off line. Maybe it will help the mods. Idk xD I just think it's a bit helpful. A lot of other programs has this ability why not PIMD? Sorry about my grammar.
Tbh I wish they'd just take away the ability to see if someone's online or not I hate it when I see that someone's online and they're not replying to me ?
But don't wanna hurt the players feelings plus you don't want them to talk bad about ya to other ppl.
I bet no one messages you in the first place and you only made this thread so you can try to look "popular".
No I have talk to this with other ppl :3 I was showing a point. Don't need to be judge over a thread how els would I word that situation?
I simply reply when I'm ready, or don't reply at all. If one more person talks "bad" about me, who cares?