Dear pimd_community: We want easter hunt!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-Qym_Ha-aha-a_Akahai_Olu-_-, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Fuck parties
  2. It's funny all these ppl saying we don't want it will be the first ones looking for last bars so they can complete!
  3. Fuck pimd
  4. I would like a chance at any hunt maybe a build a rabbit pug hunt idk but leave that stupid cat party out of it.I'm so sick of that dumb party, it has ruined all other parties. egg hunt would be cool but I like stats showcase items better then who can pay the most to collect the most....just my opinion
  5. Cat party hasnt ruined anything. There are plenty clubs doing other parties. Youre juzt too lazy to look because you expect it to come to you
  6. 100% NO SUPPORT
  7. Im excited for hunts ?
  8. No hunts please.
  9. Hunts are old they need to do something with wats for a change
  10. I want a rabbit avi! :mad:
  11. No support.

    @RaverRabbit--you said parties are getting boring. If they initiate another hunt, how do you expect to get the items without doing parties?
  12. This game is called PARTY in my dorm. Lol. Just saying.
  13. Op never even completed the last hunt lmfao js why would u want a another hunt?
  14. 12 pages late, but YOU want Easter hunt. Not me.

    When is Easter anyway? You'd figure Easter shit be out by now
  15. No we dont haha we want wars
  16. I like the hunts just as much as I like war. But you all are saying we want war but you are to lazy to organize it. you want pimd to do it for you with beta wars. If you want all war go to kaw (kingdoms at WAR for those who don't know and yes they do parties called EPIC BATTLES) if you love war that much. This is called PARTY in my dorm for a reason that is to party yes wars are an option but this PARTY in my dorm not WAR in my dorm. And another thing if you were to organize more wars ata would see the rise of demand for it. Saying in forums we want war will get you no where. Organize them your self show them that's what you want. If you sit back party and go to forums to say I want war they don't see a rise in war being started so they ignore you. My point you want war organize it and show them that's what you want. By partying you are telling them that's what is in demand and what the people want.
  17. No hunts till fall 